My great uncle Morris
Mahler (1888-1958) was born on this day 137 years ago, the second son of my paternal great-grands Meyer Elias Mahler and Tillie
Jacobs Mahler.
Unfortunately, Meyer died of cancer in 1910, leaving Tillie widowed with children ranging in age from 14 to 29. The oldest child, my grandma Henrietta, was already married with two children of her own. The second-oldest child, David, was a black sheep with wanderlust, having left New York City a few years earlier.
Morris takes care of Tillie and Dora
Morris, at 21 years old, had to take care of his widowed mother and his younger siblings. All the girls worked in the garment district, I understand from stories passed down in the family, even when they were too young to "officially" work. If an inspector came through the factory, the older girls would hide the younger girls in baskets, covering them with lace, until the inspector went away.
Younger sister Sarah married in 1912, even younger sister Ida married in 1920, and the youngest sister Mary married in 1921. However, Morris's younger sister Dora had a chronic heart condition and never married. So Morris was the main support for Dora and their mother Tillie for many years.
Many Mahler voters in one building
In 1924, Morris Mahler was living at 2347 Morris Avenue, a large apartment building in the Bronx, New York. You can still see a photo of the building from the New York City Muni Archives tax photo collection. (He and his mother Tillie and sister Dora lived together in one apartment, I know from the 1925 New York Census.)
Looking at the 1924 New York City voter list, Morris was registered to vote at this address (see red line under his name, top of this post). Tillie wasn't a registered voter, but Dora was, and she's shown at bottom of the voter list, supposedly living at 2348 Morris Ave, but in reality in 2347 because there was no residence at 2348.
Also living in the same apartment building: Morris's younger sister Ida Mahler Volk and her husband Louis Volk, both registered to vote and on this list.
Also living in the same apartment building: Morris's younger sister Mary Mahler Markell and her husband Joseph A. Markell, both registered to vote and on this list.
I'm delighted to see so many of my ancestors registered to vote--and living so close to each other.
Despite family disapproval, Morris got married
Morris continued to support his mother and one sister for years. He finally got married and moved out in 1932, at the age of 44. The family strongly disapproved of his choice because they were from different religions: Morris was Jewish and his 47-year-old bride, Carrie Etschel (1885-1962), was not. But Morris and Carrie tied the knot anyway--in her Lutheran Church (see marriage cert below). Note that the clergyman listed his residence as 2431 Morris Avenue, not many steps away from Morris's 1924 residence in the Bronx.
Although I'm told the Mahlers didn't always include Morris and Carrie in family gatherings, the couple was invited to the wedding of my parents--I can see their faces in the photos. Morris and Carrie lived happily together until he died at the age of 70.
Morris was buried in Riverside Cemetery in New Jersey, a Jewish cemetery where his parents were buried. When she died at the age of 76, Carrie was buried in All Faiths Cemetery in Queens, New York, where all her siblings as well as her parents were laid to rest.
I'm remembering great uncle Morris Mahler on the anniversary of his birth.