Rachel Jacobs death cert, 1915 |
Was my great-great-grandma Rachel
Jacobs the mother of a woman who lived to 100? Rachel was born in Lithuania (possibly the
Plunge district, close to Telsiai) in the early 1840s, approximately. Her father's name was Moses and her mother was Sarah

Since her daughter Tillie Jacobs Mahler (that's my great-grandma) fudged
her age for years and supposedly was 100 when she died in 1952, it's hard to know Rachel's true age. Interestingly, Tillie was enumerated in the 1950 US Census as being 100 years old. Somebody's math was mistaken!
Rachel Jacobs headstone |
Back in Lithuania, Rachel (maiden name
Shuham) was married to
Jonah and they had at least two children that I can document: Tillie and Joseph. Jonah
Jacobs died before 1886, which was when
Rachel made the arduous journey
to New York City. Rachel's son
Joseph had made the journey in 1882, as had Rachel's son-in-law Meyer
Mahler, who married Tillie around 1880.
According to the census, Rachel and Tillie arrived in 1886, which means they could see the newly-erected
Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor as they sailed into port. (Photo above right shows Rachel with her youngest granddaughter, Mary Mahler, in about 1901.)
What happened to Rachel and her family? Here's what I know:
- Rachel died in December, 1915 of kidney problems (her death cert is at top) and was buried at Mount Zion cemetery in Queens, NY. According to the cert, Rachel was 70 when she died--unlikely. Rachel was living on Allen Street in Manhattan's immigrant area of the Lower East Side at the time of her death.
- Rachel's son Joseph married Eva Michalovsky in 1890. Joseph and Eva had 6 children in all. Joseph died in November, 1918 of Parkinson's disease and was buried in the same Plungianer plot in Mt. Zion as his mother, Rachel. In 1888, when he became a US citizen, Joseph was a capmaker. His death cert showed his occupation as tailor, although the 1915 NY Census said he was a janitor. Because Joe was missing from some census documents, I'm going to look for him in the records of the hospital (Montefiore Home and Hospital, in the Bronx) where he died. And I found him in those records.
- Joseph's son Frank Maurice [probably Moritz] Jacobs (Rachel's grandson) enlisted in the US Marines for WWI and was wounded in battle (possibly gassed), spending about a year in army hospitals and rehab units before being discharged in 1919. He wasn't working at the time of the 1920 census but in 1930 and 1940, his occupation was "advertising." His WWII draft card (under the last name Jacob) said he worked for Young & Rubicam and was living at the Hotel Tudor on E. 42nd Street, with a mailing address c/o his brother Louis Jacob in Brooklyn. Frank died in 1974 but he's not buried at Mt. Zion. Nor could I find him in the 1950 US Census, at least not in the first month of availability. Where was he laid to rest?
- Joseph's daughter Flora was a bookkeeper in knitwear in 1910, a "forelady" in a factory in 1915, an operator on knitted goods in 1920. She sadly contracted rheumatic fever and died of rheumatic endocarditis in 1923. Flora (aka Florence) is also buried in Mt. Zion's Plungianer plot. Flora's Hebrew name was Bluma, probably named after her grandmother, Flora (Blume).
- I'm still tracing Louis Jacob, one of Joseph & Eva's sons, born about 1891. Louis was the "informant" on his sister Flora's death cert in 1923 and on his mother Eva's death cert in 1941. Where were you, Louis Jacob, after 1942, when you were living in Brooklyn? I hope to find you in the 1950 US Census sometime in 2022.
Joseph Jacobs Death Cert, 1918 |
- Rachel's granddaughter Hylda, one of Joseph & Eva's daughters, grew up in Brooklyn and married Jacob Wilner in the early 1920s. They had two children: Jerome and Flora. Hylda lived to be 91!
- Was Isaac Burk (Rachel Shuham's grandson-in-law) a member of the Shuham family? His Soc. Sec. app suggests a connection.
- I wish I could time-travel to ask Rachel Shuham a few questions and bring her to the wedding of her grandson.
- Trying to learn more about Rachel Shuham and Jonah Jacobs, my 2d great-grandparents.
- Joseph Jacobs didn't die on the date carved in stone on his headstone. That was actually the date his headstone was officially "unveiled."
- Little Pauline Jacobs is buried in the Jacobs family's plot in Mt. Zion cemetery. She unfortunately died of scarlatina (scarlet fever).
- Great-great-uncle Joseph Jacobs moved from Allen Street to Clinton Street on the Lower East Side during the second half of 1888. Here's how I know!
- How I looked for Joe's Clinton Street address using NYC Tax Photos and Google.
- Rachel Jacobs gave birth for first time at age 11? And other weird clues from the Census.
- Joseph Jacobs' occupation changed over the years . . . a key clue to his deteriorating health. Remembering him on 102d anniversary of his death.
- Discrepancies between official document and what I already know disprove my tentative theory about a child of Joseph Jacobs & Eva Mikalovsky Jacobs. But closer matches on another document lead to a strong possibility for a different child.
- According to a son of Tillie Jacobs Mahler, Tillie's father's name was Julius Yaina.
- Annie Jacobs, third child of Joseph Jacobs & Eva Michalovsky, sadly died on 15 Feb 1896 in NYC at age 13 months from bronchitis and was buried the next day.
Thanks 10th Cousin Marian for sharing all that cool family info!