Saturday, February 8, 2025

Change, Monitor, Hands Off?

James Tanner's excellent blog post earlier this week struck a chord with me. He wrote about the challenges of working with the FamilySearch collaborative family tree, starting with "revolving door ancestors" (one whose info is constantly changing) and "impossible pedigrees" (no sources on an ancestor means questionable parents and descendants).  

I am so, so grateful that FamilySearch has a vast array of robust (and free!) research materials available to help with my research. And its collaborative worldwide tree can give me a head start on ancestors, especially when I know very little about them or they are on a distant branch of my tree. I treat the tree as a great source of clues for me to follow up. 

And I should point out that I maintain a public family tree on Ancestry as well as putting ancestors on MyHeritage. Sources are attached and nobody can make changes (unless authorized by me).

Challenges indeed

Still, my experience with the collaborative tree echoes Tanner's experience. My immigrant maternal grandparents and their siblings had surnames (Farkas, Schwartz) that were common in Hungary, where both were born. Not surprisingly, people who don't know the family well  make mistakes when trying to add to these ancestors' FamilySearch profiles. It's a real challenge to distinguish between two Schwartz men with the same given name or two Farkas women with the same given name, born or died around the same time and in roughly the same place.

Above, part of the FamilySearch profile page for my great uncle Samuel Schwartz (1883-1954). I know a lot about Sam, partly from descendants and partly from careful research. So I know that Sam and his wife, Anna Gelbman Schwartz (1886-1940) had only two children, the ones I circled in purple in the image at top. Neither of these two sons was a twin. My Sam didn't die in 1926; he died in 1954. I have the paperwork to prove it and have visited his grave.

Yes, the photo on "Annie Gelbman Schwartz" is one I uploaded to FamilySearch some time ago. But all those extra children, not my work. Sam's incorrect death date, not my work. 

So many ancestors - so little time

In some cases, I have made changes to the FamilySearch family tree and attached sources and/or explanations. But this is time-consuming and still subject to change by others. Not where I want to spend much of my time.

My plan has been to monitor (click "follow" star ★ on line with ancestor's name) selected ancestors and read the weekly email of changes made to each, if any. Then I can decide whether to change or keep my hands off. For the most part, I'm keeping my hands off any changes, unless the ancestor is particularly dear to my heart and I can quickly and easily fix mistakes with an accessible source.

My plan is to keep adding ancestors to the collaborative WikiTree, where sources are also shown as well as biographical details. Here's the profile page of my great uncle Samuel Schwartz, whose original name was Simon, I know from the passenger manifest showing his arrival at Ellis Island. 

My WikiTree experience

So far, I haven't experienced any "revolving door" ancestor problems on WikiTree. I have encountered a few "impossible pedigree" ancestor profiles when trying to connect relatives to folks already in the WikiTree database but have successfully ironed those out with the people who originally created the profiles. The community on WikiTree is generally friendly and helpful.

In short, I consider adding ancestors to WikiTree to be a valuable use of my time, to honor ancestors and preserve their names and lives for the sake of future generations.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Did Joseph Markell Know His Birth Year?

I was a bit surprised to discover a discrepancy about the birth year of great uncle Joseph A. Markell (189?-1975) when I submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for his Veterans Administration file yesterday.

Thanks to Reclaim the Records, it is now quick and easy to see whether a US military veteran might be in the database of the Veterans Administration. Read the fine print and try the nonprofit group's super-efficient website here.

Joseph goes to sea

With the 1920 US Census in hand, I already knew Joseph served in the Navy. He was enumerated on the U.S.S. Niagara off Tampico, Mexico after World War I, as the Mexican Revolution was underway. 

The backstory: Joe's mother died when he was a young teen, which must have been traumatic. His father remarried in Brooklyn, New York, five years later. 

His descendants told me Joe didn't get along with his stepmom and began to hang around the Brooklyn Navy Yard, making money by shining the shoes of sailors going on shore leave. Within a short time, he enlisted to get away from home altogether.

Born in 1894 or 1895?

The surprise was that according to the BIRLS record for Joseph (at top), he was 22 years old when he enlisted in the Navy on Oct 31, 1916 and left the Navy at age 26. Accordingly, BIRLS shows Joseph's birth year as 1894

However, on other documents, including Joseph's World War II draft registration card, his birth year is shown as 1895, born in Boston, Massachusetts.

Which birth year was correct, the one he gave the US Navy in 1916 or the one he gave the draft board in 1942? He was born on August 14, but which year?

Now I'm browsing page by page through Boston birth ledgers and indexes for 1894 and 1895 to try to find Joseph's name and date. Browsing page by page takes time and I'm doing it little by little.

Did great uncle Joe know?

Maybe Joseph wasn't sure of his actual birth year? Maybe he didn't know when his parents were married? 

It took me some time to track down, but I finally found their marriage recorded in Providence, Rhode Island as having taken place on October 21, 1895. 

Looking ahead, when the Veterans Administration file for my great uncle arrives in a few months, maybe an official birth document will be included. 

Surprise is Amy Johnson Crow's #52 Ancestors genealogy prompt for this week.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fixing Peter Pietroniro's Typo

This year, I've returned to researching in-laws in my husband's family tree, Anna Yurko Pietroniro (1910-1989) and her husband, Piacentino "Peter" Pietroniro (1901-1979).

Peter was born in Casacalenda, Italy, and sailed from Naples to New York City's Ellis Island on July 10, 1923, with his brother Paul. Both told authorities they were planning to go to Montreal, Canada, looking for work. It turns out Montreal was a destination of choice for Casacalenda immigrants.

Casacalenda to Cleveland

However, Peter actually settled in Cleveland, Ohio, joining a large community from Casacalenda already living in that city. During 1923, the year Peter arrived, Casacalenda immigrants in Cleveland formed the Kalena Club, an organization still going strong today (and active on Facebook). 

I don't know whether Peter joined the Kalena Club but he certainly would have known many members and felt at home in Cleveland with people from his native town nearby, just as his brother would have found many from Casacalenda friends and neighbors in Montreal.

Ooops! Fix that typo 

Peter started the process of becoming a US citizen in 1939. He filed a Petition for Naturalization in 1943, but there was a brief delay and a flurry of amendment paperwork on the day he was scheduled to become a US citizen.

As shown at top, the amendment was necessary because Peter's surname had a typo in item (1) of his original petition document. His signature was correct, all other references to his surname were correct, but Peter couldn't become a US citizen before the court officially corrected the name with an amendment to the original petition.

After signing that amendment correcting his petition's typo, Peter became a naturalized citizen on May 11, 1944. 

Today, on the 46th anniversary of Peter's death in Cleveland, Ohio, I'm remembering him by documenting his life.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Please Back Up and Remember, LOCKSS

With so many extreme weather events and other terrible disasters, we really need to think carefully about how to preserve and perpetuate family history for the sake of future generations. Please make a plan now, starting with regular backups.

Invest in more than one backup method

Diane May Levenick wrote an excellent article for Family Tree Magazine (updated a few months ago) detailing a five-step plan for backing up genealogy files. She recommends NOT relying on free sites (like social media) as a backup. Instead, she suggests a combination of methods, including remote cloud storage, to keep family history safe.

As Diane recommends, I keep my digitized materials safe by backing up on iCloud, setting my Mac to do a TimeMachine backup every hour (using an external hard drive I can take with me if needed), and putting important files on a separate high-capacity USB drive. Or two USBs! They're inexpensive and portable.

Share now in many ways

My family history photo books are one way I'm sharing family history NOW so what I've learned about our ancestors won't be lost. Printed copies are in multiple hands because LOCKSS (lots of copies keep stuff safe). The more people who have copies, the better the chance that info will survive in our family for future generations. 

All the photos in those books and all old family photos from the early 20th century are digitized. I've shared them via USB and email over the years. I have a 1917 photo album from my late father-in-law that has been scanned but I plan to turn it into a photo book this year to provide full captions and context for future generations. The album itself is in an archival box but the album pages are fragile so making a photo book will make the story accessible to all for the long term.

I continue to post bite-sized ancestor bios on multiple sites. These don't preserve original photos or documents, but they do keep alive the names/dates/lives of ancestors in the family tree. And serve as cousin bait!

For more ideas about preparing to keep family history safe, please see my book, Planning a Future for Your Family's Past, available as a paperback or e-book.

Monday, January 27, 2025

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Eighty years ago, on January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was finally liberated. It was a place of unspeakable horror. This is a day to never forget the millions who were killed and be sure their lives are remembered.

Both of my maternal grandparents left their Hungarian homeland as teenagers in the early 1900s, settling in New York City, where they met and married in 1911. Both lost relatives and in-laws to the Holocaust. Both had relatives who survived the Holocaust. 

A photo from Yad Vashem Photo Archives shows Jewish people from Hungary rounded up and transported to Auschwitz in May of 1944. This crowd may include Paula Schwartz, my grandfather's younger sister, who was killed on May 21, 1944, according to the eyewitness testimony of her daughter--a survivor who later sat for an emotional video interview and provided a written statement about relatives murdered at Auschwitz. 

Never again, never forgotten. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

A WAC Bride and a Coastie Groom in the Family Tree

Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California

During the recent WikiTree Connect-A-Thon, I became acquainted with Walter "Jack" Cromwell Wood (1894-1982) and his wife, Helen Gertrude Westerlake (1908-1995). Jack was my husband's 3d cousin and Helen was his bride.

I was really interested to discover that Jack served in both World War I and World War II--in two different branches of the military. Then I learned about Helen being a WAC officer during World War II. Here are their stories!

Jack: Sailing, College, Military

Jack was a son of Walter Dean Wood and Elizabeth Sawyer Pierce Wood, born in New Bedford, Massachusetts where he early on learned to sail. In 1917, he was attending MIT when he interrupted his college career to enlist in the US Army Air Corps for World War I. He was sent to train as a pilot with other Americans at the University of Toronto, taught by Royal Canadian Air Force pilots. 

After the war, Jack returned to sailing and racing. During the 1930s, he became the first “Sailing Master” of MIT, a post he held through the late 1940s. During World War II, he joined the US Coast Guard to teach navigation in New London, Connecticut at the Coast Guard Academy, with the rank of Lt. Commander.

Helen: Cars, College, Military

Helen was a daughter of Mary Marsh Cleverdon Westerdale and Harry Eastman Westerdale, born in Chicago where a few years later her father became a rising star in the budding automotive industry. Within a few years, he had his own auto distribution firm and later was an executive with Chrysler in Detroit. 

Helen went to a special high school in Memphis known for college prep, then went to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree. She later worked as a secretary, and when she saw the call for women to join the military, she applied and was accepted into the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in July, 1942. After training, she was awarded the rank of Captain.

Captain and Lt. Commander, Bride and Groom

I don't know how Jack and Helen met, but they became engaged in August of 1944 and married that October. It seems to have been a long-distance marriage at first: Jack continued to teach at the Coast Guard Academy and Helen remained in the WACs, achieving the rank of Major before becoming a civilian again in the fall of 1945. Jack left the Coast Guard in the fall of 1946. 

Helen and Jack then settled in the greater Boston area, where he taught navigation and they raised two children. They retired to San Diego, California, where he died in 1982 just one day after his 88th birthday. She died in 1995 at the age of 86. Both are buried in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego (image at top from VA National Cemetery here).

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Genealogy Bloggers on BlueSky

For the past few months on the BlueSky social media platform, I've been asking genealogy and family history bloggers to share their blog addresses. 

Here is the list of 100+ bloggers who have provided their links as of March 2025. Note that some folks haven't blogged much lately but they are active on BlueSky:

* Hilary Gadsby's blog
* Celia Lewis's blog
* Rahkia Nance's blog
* Jean "Helen" Wheel's blog
* Rebecca Stanley's blog
* Allison Peacock's blog
* Sheri Bush's blog
* J. L. Lee's blog
* Sophie Kay's blog
* Liz G's blog
* Fred Dew's blog
* Family Wise's blog
* Christine McCloud's blog
* Roberta Estes' blog
* Alison Spring's blog
* Carol K. Petranek's blog
* Michael Kirk's blog
* Kira D. Foltz's blog
* Carmel Galvin's blog
* Martin Roe's blog
* Daniel Loftus' blog
* Carolynn ni Lochlainn's blog
* Marlee Logan's blog
* Susan's blog
* Paul Chiddicks' Old Palace School Bombing blog
* Natalie Pithers' blog
* Christopher Padgett's blog
* Miriam Robbins' blog
* Auriette's blog
* Barb's blog
* Kathleen Sperling's blog
* Karen P. Rhodes' blog
* Colleen Murray's blog
* Deborah Ray's blog
* Marcia C. Philbrick's blog
* Judy G. Russell's blog
* Fiona Stone's blog
* Xanthe Hall's blog
* Carolyn Shannon's blog
* Stephanie Glotfelty's blog
* Laura L. Hedgecock's blog
* Earl A. Daniels' blog
* Phyllis Zumwalt's blog
* Margaret Riordan's blog
* David Annal's blog
* Linda Yip's blog
* Barbara Tien's site
* Pauleen Cass's blog
* Melanie McComb's blog

Note: I'm on BlueSky as‬

More blogs to be added as I receive more responses from the genealogy community on BlueSky. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Be a Good Ancestor and Share Your Own Story

Photo books are one way of sharing your story now.

Are you taking the time to tell your own story? Be a good ancestor and share your own story so future generations will have a sense of what your life has been like.

My choice: photo books

I began to systematically document my life and family experiences in 2007, when I made the first of what became an annual series of photo books. My goal was to capture some of the most significant or fun things that happened during the year, so I could look back and rekindle those memories. But I also realized that photo books look polished and can be passed down for decades to come.

Every year since, I've created at least one photo book of what my husband and I and our family did during the previous 12 months. I call the book something like "Our life in photos" or "2023 in photos." I caption every photo. If there's a large group photo or two, I include full names once in the book. At top, a photo of many of the photo books I've made over the years, displayed on a book shelf for easy access.

When we have a big family gathering of relatives from far and near, I often make a photo book to remember the fun and the food and the activities. This is where my family and I get those photos off our phones and into print or albums to browse again and again.

My system: I set up a digital folder at the start of every year and put photos into it as the weeks go on. By December, I have dozens of photos to arrange into a colorful book of memories. Not everything makes the final cut, but I have a good range of photos to use. This works for me, but do whatever works for you.

Of course I wait for sales and coupons before I press the buy button. My vendors of choice are Shutterfly, MixBook, and Snapfish, thanks to their quality and customization possibilities.

Your life, your way

There are so many ways to document your life so you can enjoy the memories and share with those who come after. Here are just a few ideas to start.

Well-known genealogy blogger Randy Seaver regularly blogs about his weekly activities. He stresses that family historians should make a point of telling their own stories, not just the stories of ancestors from the past. 

If you or your family like to send an annual Christmas or holiday letter, that's a good way to talk about the ups/downs of the year and include a photo or three. 

My husband writes a monthly letter to younger relatives, with highlights of what he's been doing and stories of interest. He sends his letters the old-school way, because he likes to include a photo and because snail mail doesn't get lost in a sea of emails.

Some folks have a private Facebook page or website for sharing family photos and memories. Since I'm unhappy with FB at the moment, I'm not going down that path but I do know people who have multigenerational FB pages to share family news, old and new.

Just do it

Experiment to see what works best for you and your situation and your budget. Don't worry about capturing every moment and every memory. Be a good ancestor and make 2025 the year you share key photos and memories with family today and keep your life stories available for descendants of tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Remembering the "Walter Winchells" of the Farkas Family Tree

My maternal Grandma Hermina Farkas Schwartz (1886-1964) was part of the first generation in the Farkas Family Tree, founded in 1933 to keep the Farkas siblings and their descendants in close contact. 

Fortunately, the founders had the foresight to keep written minutes (originally in cursive, but quickly switched to typed) of their 10 meetings per year. And that's how I learned which member was the designated "Walter Winchell" of each year.

Good & Welfare Chair = Walter Winchell

The idea was to have one person in charge of gathering family gossip (good, bad, funny) and reporting during the monthly meeting. Even when someone had the mumps or broke an arm, the info was shared with a bit of spin to make it lighter if possible. The official title of that part of the meeting was "Good and Welfare." 

The star of that portion of the meeting was that year's Walter Winchell, nicknamed for the well-known newspaper columnist and radio personality who specialized in gossip. 

During 1942, when several members were serving in World War II, the yearend summary of the minutes included this cheeky comment: "Brother George F____ distinguished himself as the Walter Winchell of the Farkas Family Tree, ferreting out the military secrets and relating them with gusto at the meetings."

Grandpa as Winchell

My maternal Grandpa Theodore Schwartz (1887-1965) served as the family tree's Winchell in 1946 and 1947. In May of 1946, he reported 11 "items" such as who was home from the U.S. Army, who had new jewelry, who had a new job, who was out of the hospital, and who was planning a summer vacation.

Throughout his tenure, Grandpa's good and welfare items mixed sad news (the death of an older family member, a car accident that put someone in the hospital) with happier news (someone accepted to Yale, someone having a baby). 

Thank you to our Walter Winchells 

Even as the original tree members aged, the minutes were also filled with increasingly hopeful Winchell reports of the youngest generation: school achievements, graduations, first cars, first jobs, engagements, and so on. Having these moments captured on the page, as they took place, was a wonderful gift for the future. 

Thank you to the many Walter Winchells who served in the family tree, 1933-1964. 

"Nickname" is this week's #52Ancestors prompt from Amy Johnson Crow.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

1921 Census of England and Wales on Ancestry Hints

 The 1921 Census of England and Wales is now available on Ancestry. Subscribers can search that Census directly from this page.

You will soon be able to see 1921 Census hints show up under the category of "new collections" on the hints page. Above is a photo of my husband's Ancestry family tree hints page. So far, only 4 "new collections" hints have appeared but there's a reason.

Remember, to stimulate the hints system, you need to click on your ancestors and do a little searching. There are several dozen UK ancestors on the tree, but I've only researched four of those folks in the past week since the 1921 Census went live on Ancestry. 

So now I'm researching those UK residents and stimulating the hints system to list additional suggestions. I like that the 1921 Census is highlighted under "new collections" and hope Ancestry will continue doing that with major new databases it adds. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Suits Meet Flapper at Thanksgiving Dinner, 1956

One of my favorite photos shows my maternal grandfather, uncle, and aunt at a very memorable Thanksgiving gathering of the Farkas Family Tree.

The family tree association, founded in 1933, had been getting together for Thanksgiving dinners for more than two decades. 

In 1956, the setting was the Hotel Gramercy Park in Manhattan, convenient to Farkas relatives and in-laws who lived in and around New York City. For this dinner, attendees were asked to come in costume. Many worked hard on elaborate (sometimes outlandish) outfits.

As shown above, my Auntie Dorothy Schwartz (1919-2001) dressed as a flapper. The two men with her wore suit and tie for the occasion: Her father, Theodore "Teddy" Schwartz (1887-1965) and her brother, Fred Shaw (1912-1991). My aunt all dressed up as a flapper makes me smile!

Here's another fun photo from this same batch of scanned snap shots, both colorized using the fantastic photo tools at MyHeritage.

During the dinner, costumed attendees paraded around the room in competition for the crowd's vote of "best costume." My Dad (Harold Burk, 1909-1978) dressed as a hayseed (he's at far right). Although he didn't win, he had a grand time working the crowd for votes.  

Amy Johnson Crow provides prompts for every week of the year in her ongoing #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks program. This week's prompt is "Favorite Photo."

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Participating in 52 Ancestors and WikiTree Connect-A-Thons

In 2025, I'm adding to my family history stories and expanding my online family tree by participating in two free genealogy activities: Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks and the WikiTree Connect-a-Thons. 


Introduced in 2013, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks is a great way to jump-start writing about family history because Amy provides a genealogy prompt for every week of the year. No rules, no obligation to write every week, not even a blog is necessary. Participants receive a helpful prompt open to personal interpretation, plus we can join Amy's Generations Cafe Facebook page to share stories. Write in any way, use any tools or technologies you wish.

I rarely write about all the prompts but I usually choose one per month as a starting point for blogging about some story or a new or interesting discovery. The first prompt of 2025 was "In the Beginning" and I wrote about starting to research an in-law line in my hubby's family tree. 

For the rest of January, Amy's prompts are: Week 2, favorite photo; Week 3, nickname; Week 4, overlooked. Interpret as you wish, write what you wish, with no deadlines. 

WikiTree Connect-a-Thon

To enhance my online family trees, with a bit of extra research as I go along, I'm also participating in the WikiTree Connect-a-Thons during this year.

The first is on the long weekend of January 17-20th. WikiTree is a free, collaborative family tree platform that emphasizes solid sources and provides plenty of space for ancestor biographies. I have individual family trees on Ancestry, MyHeritage, and other sites, but I've been adding to WikiTree to share what I know about ancestors in more ways and on more sites.

A Connect-a-Thon offers the opportunity to focus on adding ancestors to this worldwide tree in a fun and friendly atmosphere, with a touch of short-term competition if you choose to join one of the many teams. I'm part of Team L'Chaim.

WikiTreers have live video chats during each day of the Connect-a-Thon. Here's the video schedule, and if you miss the live chat you can catch up by viewing the recording on the YouTube channel. 

Hello 2025, hello more family history and genealogy discoveries to share. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

At the Beginning, A Sad End

I'm just beginning my research into the family background of two in-law ancestors in my husband's family: Piacentino "Peter" Pietroniro (1901-1979) and his wife, Anna Yurko Pietroniro (1910-1989). This couple married in 1929. I have the date and the officiant's name, and will be doing more research to identify the church.

Peter was an immigrant from Casacalenda, Italy who crossed the Atlantic in search of work and, like many from his area, settled in Cleveland, Ohio during the 1920s. 

Anna was one of 7 children born to immigrants from Hazlin, Czechoslovakia (now an area in Slovakia). Her father and some of her siblings worked in Cleveland steel mills. 

Multiple newspaper searches

Searching for the surnames Yurko and Pietroniro on multiple newspaper sites, I initially came across a surprising mention of Yurko in the Enakopravnost newspaper, a Slovenian-language publication in Cleveland that is in the database.  

Using the "Google Lens" app, I aimed the camera of my phone at the news item on my screen and took a photo of the translation.

It was a horrifically sad news report: Anna Yurko's 17-year-old nephew, Joseph Yurko, committed suicide by hanging himself after his widowed father "asked him to leave work during the holidays and stay at home with his four younger brothers and sisters."

Then I used GenealogyBank to look for any items about young Joseph's death and located a brief piece in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, p. 2 on 25 July 1947. The headline and subhead read:

Heartsick, Hangs Self--Boy, 17, broken up by request to quit job, says coroner.

This news item explained that the father had been unable to hire a housekeeper after the death of his wife the previous year. So during the summer months, when the father had to work but school was out, he wanted his oldest son to care for the younger children. But on the morning of July 24th, the father went down to the basement and found young Joseph's body 😥

Confirming Joseph's birth and death

Using the newspaper info as clues, I quickly found the mother's death a year earlier and learned that Joseph Robert Yurko was born on 11 June 1930 and died on 24 July 1947. His death cert confirms that death was due to suicide by hanging, a really tragic end to this high schooler's life. Joseph was buried in Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland, where many in the Yurko family were laid to rest. 

I was flabbergasted to see, from the 1950 US Census, that the Yurko family remained in the home where poor Joseph had died...his father had remarried and the household included the new wife, those younger children, plus a stepson.

So as I begin my Yurko and Pietroniro research, I've added all this sad news to the family tree.

"Beginning" is the first #52Ancestors genealogy prompt of 2025, from Amy Johnson Crow

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Entering My 27th Year of Genealogy

Happy new year! My genealogy journey began in 1998, when a beloved maternal first-cousin-once-removed asked me a routine family history question about my father's father. I knew only the man's name, not his birth or death date or place. Curiosity led to determination and then to obsession and as I continued my research, I discovered loads of cousins who were new to me! 

Now 27 years later, I'm still excited about connecting with cousins and connecting the dots for a more complete, more accurate family tree. Most important to me is to keep sharing what I learn so the knowledge isn't lost to future generations. That means writing/posting more bite-sized ancestor bios and using other means of perpetuating the names and stories. It also means regularly backing up my genealogy data to keep everything safe.

These days it's so easy take photos with phones yet easy to forget to get those photos off phones and share. I'm making a point of sharing right now. And in the coming year I plan to get even more family stories into the heads of other family members to keep them alive.

During the holidays, two grandchildren asked about their immigrant ancestors who lived in Cleveland, Ohio. You know I have stories and info to share--redoing the research to find anything new for a new family history photo book I'll create this year, including when and why these ancestors left their homelands. Spoiler alert: they came to America in search of economic opportunity, settled in Cleveland where others from their home villages had already put down roots.

Happy ancestor hunting in 2025! You never know what discoveries await this year. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year with Vintage Postal Greetings


From the archives of Wood family history, two penny postal greeting cards sent to Cleveland in the early 1900s. Cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings all exchanged cards like these to keep connections strong in the Wood family.

May your new year in 2025 be peaceful and bright.