Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Remembering the "Walter Winchells" of the Farkas Family Tree

My maternal Grandma Hermina Farkas Schwartz (1886-1964) was part of the first generation in the Farkas Family Tree, founded in 1933 to keep the Farkas siblings and their descendants in close contact. 

Fortunately, the founders had the foresight to keep written minutes (originally in cursive, but quickly switched to typed) of their 10 meetings per year. And that's how I learned which member was the designated "Walter Winchell" of each year.

Good & Welfare Chair = Walter Winchell

The idea was to have one person in charge of gathering family gossip (good, bad, funny) and reporting during the monthly meeting. Even when someone had the mumps or broke an arm, the info was shared with a bit of spin to make it lighter if possible. The official title of that part of the meeting was "Good and Welfare." 

The star of that portion of the meeting was that year's Walter Winchell, nicknamed for the well-known newspaper columnist and radio personality who specialized in gossip. 

During 1942, when several members were serving in World War II, the yearend summary of the minutes included this cheeky comment: "Brother George F____ distinguished himself as the Walter Winchell of the Farkas Family Tree, ferreting out the military secrets and relating them with gusto at the meetings."

Grandpa as Winchell

My maternal Grandpa Theodore Schwartz (1887-1965) served as the family tree's Winchell in 1946 and 1947. In May of 1946, he reported 11 "items" such as who was home from the U.S. Army, who had new jewelry, who had a new job, who was out of the hospital, and who was planning a summer vacation.

Throughout his tenure, Grandpa's good and welfare items mixed sad news (the death of an older family member, a car accident that put someone in the hospital) with happier news (someone accepted to Yale, someone having a baby). 

Thank you to our Walter Winchells 

Even as the original tree members aged, the minutes were also filled with increasingly hopeful Winchell reports of the youngest generation: school achievements, graduations, first cars, first jobs, engagements, and so on. Having these moments captured on the page, as they took place, was a wonderful gift for the future. 

Thank you to the many Walter Winchells who served in the family tree, 1933-1964. 

"Nickname" is this week's #52Ancestors prompt from Amy Johnson Crow.


  1. That is so interesting. My family didn't do anything like that. It is like have a family journal instead of a personal journal.

  2. Wow! What an incredible gift to descendants! I'm sure many of us will be jealous after reading this post that our families didn't think of doing this. On the other hand, does that mean all of us should start this habit now with our own families?

  3. Wow, what a treasure to be passed down. My husband's family had started a round-robin letter once but it somehow stuck at his mother's family and never was continued, found many years later. What a treasure it would have been if they had kept it going.

  4. This is so impressive! They didn't need social media, they had meetings and written notes!! Just like the old saying, "want everyone to know? Just tell ----" Fill in your name of choice. LOL

  5. Very interesting. My family historically moved around so much that I didn't grow up around any extended family members. My cousins/aunts/uncles/grandparents coalesced in Tucson, Arizona, for the last 60 years or so, but I was never part of this and I know that no one kept any records like this.

  6. What an excellent idea to do a collective annual report of family goings on. It puts the individual Holiday Letter to shame and must be a great source of inherited family detail that would otherwise go unshared.
