Wood family, Ohio

James Edgar Wood
(see death cert, below)
Thomas Haskell Wood (1809-1890), a seagoing man from New Bedford, MA, married young NYC teenager Mary Amanda Demarest (1831-1897) in Plaquemine, LA. Their fast-growing family moved to Cabell, VA before settling in Toledo, Ohio, around 1862.

Thomas was hubby's great-great-grandpa, and it's through the Wood side that he has Mayflower ancestry.

A big thank you to long-time Wood genealogist Cousin Larry, whose meticulous research has traced the Wood line back to the 1500s.

Thomas and Mary had 17 children over the course of 28 years, although not all lived beyond childhood.

In order from oldest to youngest, they are: 
  • Jane Ann Wood (1846-1936) married George Black, who was blind.
  • Thomas Jefferson Isaiah Haskell Wood (1848-1861) - died young.
  • John Marshall Taber Wood (1850-1859) - died young.
  • Lucy Maria Kize Wood (1851-1870) - died young.
  • William Henry White Wood (1853-1893) - married Olive V. Osborne. One of their daughters was Mary Amanda Wood, who married August J. Carsten--a bit of the Carsten story is here.
  • Alfred Olando Wood (1855-1895) - married to Mary, but no children. Was his name Alfred or Alford?
  • Francis "Frank" Ellery Wood (1857-1933) - married, children.
  • Joe Elemuel Wood (1861-1864) - died young.
  • Lavatia Allen Wood (1859-1864) - died young, diphtheria.
  • Charles Augustus Wood (1862-1895) - the first to be born in Toledo. Thanks to a cousin who posted a comment, we know a lot more about him and his descendants!
  • Rachel Ellen "Nellie" Wood (1864-1954) - a kind aunt to nieces/nephews.
  • George Howard Wood (1866-1866--d. in infancy)
  • Marion Elton Wood (1867-1947) - married, children.
  • Mary Emma Wood (1869-1950) - married, not sure about children.
  • James Edgar Wood (1871-1939) SHOWN ABOVE, hubby's great-grandpa!
  • Robert Orrin Wood (1873-1933) - married, children.
  • Leander Elkanah Wood (1875-1875) - died in infancy.

Mary Slatter Wood, 1919

Here is a link to the Find a Grave virtual cemetery I created for the Wood family (a work in progress, with memorials added little by little).

Here are some of my posts about the Wood clan:
  • Thomas Haskell Wood & many of his sons were carpenters (Thomas's dad was captain of a merchant ship). More about Wood family carpenters. More about James Edgar Wood's house-building in Cleveland. Addresses of James Edgar Wood's homes in Cleveland. Quirks of old city directories where I found Thomas H. Wood.
  • John Andrew Wood, brother of Edgar James Wood (hubby's dad), lived in Crown Point, IN. His obituary was full of details.
  • Theodore William Wood, brother of Edgar James Wood, moved to Jackson, MI and became active in community theater. Edgar Wood's children were active in summer stock, behind the scenes as crew members of Cain Park.
  • James Edgar Wood married Mary Slatter on 21 September 1898. He later married twice more, see story here.
  • Edgar James Wood's trio played at "Marty's" in Cleveland. He wrote and copyrighted a number of songs. He spent a couple of summers playing with a jazz band to pay for passage to and from Europe while at college. And he created his own "fake book" of songs from scratch.
  • Edgar James Wood kept a diary and he and his wife, Marian McClure, loved to take cruises. His diary helped me identify two cousins, Edith and Dorothy.
  • Plaquemine, LA, and the church where Thomas married Mary.
  • Edgar James Wood's detailed college photo album from Tufts, Zeta Psi House, 1925.
  • James Edgar Wood married and divorced Alice Hopperton Unger. I learned more about their divorce too.
  • James Edgar Wood's elusive 3d marriage license, when he wed Caroline Foltz Cragg. His first marriage, to Mary Slatter, was officiated by Rev. Hopkins, a prominent cleric from Vermont.
  • Elihu Wood (hubby's 3d great-grandpa) served 6 days in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Wood family photos and a complete listing of Thomas Haskell Wood & Mary Amanda Demarest's 17 children
  • Alfred Olando Wood of the Wood Bros Carpenters. Wood men were carpenters for generations...until mid-20th century.
  • Isaiah Wood and Harriet Taber of the "Little Compton" Woods.
  • Isaac, John, and Robert Larimer, 1812 War vets.
  • Marian Jane McClure Wood passes through McClure, Ohio in the 1930s. 
  • Christmas postcards sent to the Wood family in Toledo, early 1900s, including one from 1915. Here's a 1913 Halloween card from Aunt Nellie Kirby.
  • Edgar James Wood and the Hermit Club. He impressed his future wife with his piano playing on their first date, Valentine's Day of 1934.
  • Francis Earle Wood Sr.'s occupation: carpenter to decorator by 1927. 
  • Aunt Nellie Kirby writes to Wallis Walter Wood often (and she was married twice)
  • Wallis Walter Wood gets a Christmas card, 1909
  • Edgar James Wood's jazz-era band had a banner and a name--Wood's Society Syncopators 
  • What's the significance of Thomas Haskell Wood's middle name? Probably the Mayflower connection.
  • Charles Augustus Wood, son of Thomas Haskell Wood & Mary Amanda Demarest, and his children. Charles was married to Martha Ellen Hale of Lima, OH and his family Bible was a source of info about him!
  • James Edgar Wood's occupation was carpenter, and homes he built 100+ years ago still stand in Cleveland.
  • Writing a family memory booklet about Mary Slatter & James Wood and family as a way to share their story with the next generation.
  • Sample pages from the booklet about Wood & Slatter. 
  • Looking at the many Janes in our family (including the Wood line).
  • Edgar James Wood's diaries show what he was doing for 30 years. I colorized a fave b/w photo of him for Father's Day 2021.
  • Edgar James Wood drove his children around to RR yards and other areas on Sunday afternoons while Marian McClure Wood made a big dinner.
  • The Wood family's memories of life in Cleveland during WWII.  
  • Where the Edgar J. Wood/Marian McClure Wood family lived in 1941--research to confirm my hubby's memory.
  • Charles Francis Elton, born on March 31, 1891.
  • Edgar J. Wood remembers his father being against college...sons should stay home and earn money for the family coffers.
  • James Edgar Wood was a carpenter and home builder, but none of his sons or grandchildren went into that business.
  • Mayflower and Fortune connections to Wood family.
  • Circa 1912, Wood family lived on Lancelot Ave in Cleveland, in a home built by James Edgar Wood.
  • Grandpa James Edgar Wood was married 3 times. What was the story of marriage #2?
  • What happened to James Edgar Wood's third wife, Carolina Foltz Cragg Wood? 
  • Looking for James E. Wood and siblings in old city directories. Finding them! And sometimes not.
  • Marion Elton Wood had a son, Charles Francis Elton Wood, who sent holiday postcards to my husband's uncle Wallis Walter Wood early in the 1900s.
  • Edgar James Wood's diary holds clues to the truth of family stories.
  • Curating and captioning photo of Edgar James Wood (and other family members) to post on genealogy website family trees.
  • I finally found Thomas Haskell Wood and Mary Amanda Demarest (hubby's great-grandparents) in the 1880 Census, in Toledo, Ohio, where they lived.
  • My husband's 1c2r, Thomas F. Wood, served not once but twice in the Union Army during the Civil War.
  • Cleaning up the Wood family tree to coordinate names/dates/places on Ancestry, Family Search, My Heritage, and Find a Grave. 
  • Posting ancestor bios for James Edgar Wood and his first wife, Mary Slatter Wood, on Find a Grave, MyHeritage, WikiTree, and Family Search, among other sites, to share with future generations and researchers.
  • How I scanned, inverted, and enhanced b/w negatives from photos taken by Edgar James Wood as a teenager and young man.
  • Edgar James Wood's summer of jazz in 1926--when he played jazz piano for Italian nobility.
  • Wood family drove from Cleveland to Toledo, Ohio, to visit with Mary Slatter Wood's sister and her family. Negatives of photos taken by Edgar James Wood revealed the fashions of the time, circa 1919.
  • Scanning and identifying people, some members of the Wood family, in negatives from 1918. 
  • Identifying Edgar James Wood's first cousins, the Baker sisters, with help from a descendant of the FAN club.
  • John Arthur Wood (1908-1980) was married twice--I applied the Genealogical Proof Standard to turn clues into conclusions in identifying his first wife. Still looking for him in the 1950 US Census, because his remarriage wasn't till 1951 and therefore I have no idea of his whereabouts a year earlier.
  • The penny postcard craze of early 1900s is the reason I can track Wood ancestors in Cleveland, Ohio! Some lovely Easter postcards from the family.
  • Hubby's memories of his father, Edgar James Wood, playing piano for caroling at Christmas time. Plus an heirloom spotted in the old Xmas photo!
  • Nellie (Rachel Ellen) Wood Lewis Kirby was not where I expected to find her in the 1950 US Census. But I found her after indexing was completed!
  • The 17 Wood children were born in 3 states. They stayed in touch via penny postcards and visits.
  • Finding my late dad-in-law's college yearbook digitized on the school's website, ready for download any time, anywhere. 
  • Marion Elton Wood, hubby's great uncle, died on Dec 13, 1947, and was buried (as were many Wood ancestors) in Forest Cemetery, Toledo, OH.
  • Finding the will of Mary Amanda Demarest Wood, widow of Thomas Haskell Wood, with full listing of heirs.
  • The Wood family had sea-going ancestors. One was Capt. Lemuel C. Wood, who served in the Union Navy during the US Civil War.
  • Thomas Haskell Wood's sister Lucy married George Scarborough Handy, who served in the Union Navy during US Civil War but was discharged due to "deafness and imbecility." Hmmm. 
I also know, from his death cert, that James Edgar Wood was visitimg his older son, Edgar James, at the time of his death in January, 1939 (of pneumonia and heart trouble). For some unknown reason, the informant is listed as "James E. Wood Jr," a name that doesn't exist in the family. I believe the informant was son Edgar James Wood, but maybe not, because the death cert includes inaccurate family info. No wonder I'm wary of accepting info in official documents (particularly death certs) without double-checking!

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