Memorial Day is only a month away, which means it's time to photograph and transcribe war memorials so I can participate in Heather Wilkinson Rojo's Honor Roll Project.
This year, I'm paying tribute to the service of men and women from Woodbury, Connecticut. The neat little town green is the setting for plaques honoring those who served during three wars.
At top, the memorial that honors those from Woodbury, CT who served in Vietnam. Their names, as inscribed above, are:
Alba, Louis G. Anderson, Mark E. Bacon, William Jr.
Barry, Kevin G. Benjamin, John D. Brown, Edward C.
Brown, Thomas M. Brownell, Thomas D. Burmeister, Richard R.
Cacy, Thomas E. Carroll, Peter J. Cassidy, Brian J.
Castings, Walter J. Churchill, James H. Cole, Arthur R.
Cole, Donald E. Connelly, Joseph F. Coppola, Andrew F.
Creighton, David B. Curtiss, Alan C. Daury, James P.
Eyre, Harry D., Jr. Eyre, Stephen B. Faraci, William S.
Garrick, Edmund J. Geraci, Joe L. Geraci, Richard J.
Green, Kenneth G. Hoffman, Theodore A. Hollister, Gordon E.
Hotchkiss, Berkeley W. Hoxley, Martin D. Huff, Harold C.
Jasper, Carl S. Jefferson, David W. Jensen, Linda S.
Jones, K. Nickerson Jones, Steven W. Judson, David P.
Judson, Donald H. Judson, Ronald P. Kelleher, Robert D.
Koeppel, Robert A. Leavenworth, Jeffrey M. Leigh, David F.
Lonegan, Daniel P. Marquis, Gene D. Maxwell, Barry W.
Maxwell, Philip D. Neal, Harris G. Neal, Leslie R.
Newell, Charles R. Newell, Edward W. Newell, Wales A.
Norton, Frank L. Peck, Hiram W. Pond, J. Lawrence
Quint, Donald P. Quint, Michael G. Rehkamp, George M.
Rehkamp, Ronald D. Richards, Donald W. Roberts, Dennis A.
Rogers, Christopher C. Rowell, James P. Ryan, Robert F.
Scherer, Celester C. Scherer, Martin A. Seymour, Terry R.
Shanny, David E. Taff, Frederick S. Talarico, Thomas J.
White, John F. Winus, Richard J. Woodward, Charles S.
Woodward, Lawrence S. Woodward, Thomas M.
Nearby is the plaque paying tribute to the men and women of Woodbury, CT, who were in the Korean War. Their names are:
Abbott, Frank K. Clark, John E.
Cole, Norman F. Cole, Walter H.
Cowles, Robert B. Creighton, E. Donald
Deschino, John J. Drakeley, George M.
Fawcett, Edward F. Hardisty, Chester C.
Hellwinkle, Ronald F. Judson, Melvin P.
Metcalf, Fred L. Phillips, Edward W.
Rehkamp, Dr. Charles J. Robinson, Kenneth L.
Robinson, Richard H. Terrell, Donald W.
Warner, Thomas H.
The plaque above is one of two honoring people from Woodbury, CT who served during World War II. This is A through N, with an asterick denoting those who were killed in action.
On this plaque are listed:
Abbott, H. Ellsworth Atwood, Gilbert Atwood, Henry S.
Atwood, Kenneth Balch, George F. Barnes, Randall C.
Bassett, George G. Bassett, Harold E. Beauregard, Howard F.
Belz, Mary E. (nurse) Bennett, Sherwood Bergensten, L.J.
Bowker, Ruth N. (nurse) Bradley, Kenneth A. Brown, Charles E.
Brunet, Richard D. Brunet, William M. Bull, David
Burdick, Elward C. Burdick, Harold Burton, William J. Jr. *
Bynack, Joseph G. Cable, George Cable, Louis D.
Carlisle, David Cassidy, J. Donald Cassidy, Joseph J.
Cassidy, Marjorie E. (WAC) Cassidy, Paul F. Chatfield, Robert E.
Churchill, Howard Coats, John E. Coey, Albert L.
Cole, Ferris E. Cole, Francis P. Cooper, Ralph E.
Cooper, Earl D. Cooper, James R. Cowles, Paul G.
Crane, Robert T. Crighton, David B. Cunningham, Harold W.
Daury, Vincent P. Davidson, James H. Dawson, John
Dawson, Richard Decker, E. Norton, Jr. Decker, Robert S.
Dillon, James * Dillon, Richard Drake, Arthur W.
Drakeley, Robert I., Jr. Duda, Casimir J. * Duda, Peter A.
Dyer, Carroll L. Elting, Charles E. Elting, Stewart E.
Eyre, Alfred G. Eyre, Harry D. Eyre, Stanley B.
Ferrell, John W. Fegen, Charles W. * . Fleming, William P.
Fray, Ralph Fray, Robert Frazier, Charlotte (nurse)
Freeman, Arthur Gardiner, Shirley B. Giggey, Kempton L.
Gillis, Carter E. (chaplain) Goodrich, Ruth H. Graham, Leslie W. *
Green, Ernest H. Green, George A. Green, Robert
Griswold, Hobart W. Hahn, William A., Jr. Harriman, Charles S. Jr.
Harriman, Ellen Hirsch, Arthur Z. Hirsch, Charles E.
Hirsch, Clifford B. Hogan, Michael J. Hohimer, Ernest
Hower, William D. Johnson, Clifford M. Judson, Donald F.
Kalesky, John C. * Karagulla, Selim M. Kenny, John *
King, Arthur C. King, Charles W. Klatka, Catherine (nurse)
Knox, Delmar A. Koch, Edgar M. Kozenieski, Lloyd M.
Laukaitis, Anthony Lavery, James Leach, John
Leesemann, Frederick W. Lewis, Warren Lizauskas, Stanley
Lundin, David J. Lundin, Frank G. Lucas, Frances A.
Lyon, Frank C. Lyon, James G. Macbeth, S. Alexander
MacCallum, John * Mansfield, Paul H. Manzi, Edward J.
Manzi, Roland Manzi, Vincent D. Markham, Fred. A. Jr.
Markham, Hurlburt A. Markle, Raymond D. MD Martinson, William F.
Marvin, Everett D., Jr. Mason, Howard F.R. Jr. May, Russell C.
Michaels, Richard W. Miller, Robert E. Miller, Vincent A.
Minor, Emerson * Minor, Lewis R. Morgan, Addis W.
Morgan, Henry Morris, Hobart D. Morris, Vernon H.
Mosevage, Anthony J. Mosevage, George W. Munson, Richard S.
Munson, William L., Jr Murphy, Franklin Nichols, Joel L.
Nutting, Parker B.
The WWII plaque honoring those who served from Woodbury, with surnames P through Z, lists the following servicemen and servicewomen:
Pagano, Anthony Pastore, William E. Pearson, James E.
Pearson, Robert R. Peck, Hiram W., Jr. Petruzzi, Marco
Petruzzi, Michael Phelan, Robert L. Phillips, John M.
Phillips, Thomas J. Pinard, Alton H. Platt, Alfred H.
Pond, Sebastian L. Quint, Carmen G. (nurse) Quint, Carleton L.
Quint, Donald H. * Quint, Franklin E. Racenet, Amelie H. (nurse)
Racenet, J. Ernest Reichenbach, Frank (MD) * Reichenbach, Herbert I.
Rice, Roy E. Richards, David K. Richards, James H. Jr.
Richards, Robert K. Richardson, Phillip E. Riese, Frederick K.
Robinson, Walter A. Savage, David W. Schmidt, Clifford
Scott, Joseph M. Sears, Richard A. Sharp, Charles M.
Shaw, Raymond W. Sherwood, Albert C. Sherwood, Charles C.
Shippee, Harold E. Slattery, Frances P. Slattery, James J.
Smith, Allen G. Smith, Carleton E. Smith, Edward
Smith, Robert G. Smith, Walter E. Snyder, Melvin L.
Somers, Harold Starr, Robert F. Stevens, Fannie P. (Marines)
Stockwell, Charles Strattman, Dwight Strever, Charles W.
Sturges, Edward B. Sturges, George R. Sweeney, Bernard J. *
Sweeney, Lawrence W. Talarico, Joseph Talarico, Louis
Talarico, Thomas Taylor, Raymond Thomas, Ferris F.
Thompson, David Thompson, Louise J. (WAVE) Titus, Howard
Tomlinson, James H. Towne, Ernest H. Jr. Travers, Sherwood W.
Underwood, H. Gilbert Underwood, Homer R. Voytershark, Frank P.
Walcott, C. James Wallace, Raymond D. * Walston, Harvey D.
Weeden, Willis M. Weeks, Carnes, Jr. Weeks, Robert
Westerlund, Charles H. Westerlund, Harry F. Weymer, Russell W.
Wilson, Herbert R. Wilson, Robert L. Wolcott, George
Wooden, Paul M. Yurkunas, Kasimir
Farrell, John J.
McConville, Marion
Weeks, Carnes
Cam, John H.
Coe, Albert B.
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Showing posts with label Korean War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean War. Show all posts
Saturday, April 28, 2018
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