Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Honor Roll: Part 5, Korean War Veterans from Bethlehem, Connecticut

This is my final post transcribing names of military veterans from memorial plaques on the historic green of Bethlehem, Connecticut. The first post in this series explains the purpose of the Honor Roll Project, originated by Heather Wilkinson Rojo and hosted here

Roll of Honor

Dedicated to the men and women of the town of Bethlehem who served their country during the Korean War, June 25, 1950-January 9, 1955 - Erected by the Citizens of Bethlehem, May 30, 1982

Glen C. Adams, Sr.
Richard O. Anderson
Curtiss Bate
Hugh L. Bronson
Raymond W. Brown
Frank Bosko
Robert H. Box
Elbert V. Box
Roger Clark
Frank L. Convard
Dolores A. Dauch
Robert J. Dauch
Edward D. Everitt
Gordon J. Fredsall
Kenneth Harlow
Walter L. Hunt
John T. Knudsen
Sally L. Lorensen
Gerald A. Minor
Patsy Narciso
Marvin Parris
Ralph A. Petruzzi
Vincent J. Skelte
Ernest Sommers
Earle R. Thompson
Calvin C. Wiltshire
Alan J. Woodward

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Honor Roll: Part 4, Vietnam War Veterans from Bethlehem, Connecticut

In this 4th post about military memorials on the green at Bethlehem, Connecticut, I'm transcribing the wording and names of veterans from this stately plaque as part of the Honor Roll Project. My first post explains the overall project. The goal is to transcribe veterans' names and make them more accessible for descendants and relatives who search online. 

Roll of Honor

Dedicated to the young men and women of the community, who by their patriotism and loyalty served God and country during the Viet-Nam War, December 22, 1961-May 7, 1975

Erected by the citizens of Bethlehem, May 30, 1982

Glen B. Adams
J. Rodney Albert
Arthur Banks
Stewart W. Banks
Scott H. Beardsley
John D. Benjamin
Dwight C. Bennett
Charles C. Bock
John A. Bosco, Jr.
Bonita J. Bouffard
Raymond A. Boulanger, Jr.
Roy L. Boulanger
Ronald W. Box
Thomas E. Box
Raymond W. Brown
Walter W. Brutting
David C. Butkus, Sr.
Philip P. Butkus
Raymond T. Butkus
Charles Clifford
Robert Clifford
Anthony Communale
Thomas S. Doran, Jr.
Thomas C. Fitzgerald
Brenda R. Gallop
Edward P. Goodwin
Ronald S. Graves
George S. Haburey
Scott Huber
William Huber
Wright L. Jimmo, Jr.
Richard O. Johnson
James V. Kacerguis
Matthew J. Kacerguis
Peter A. Kacerguis
Ernest T. Kleinheinz, Jr.
David A. Kmetetz
Leland W. Krake III
Thomas S. Krake
Douglas Krantz
Richard Krantz
Paul Maddox
Philip A. Mansfield
Matthew P. March, Jr.
Thomas C. McEvoy
James B. Melesky
Dustin Merrill
James W. Meskun
Gerald E. Meskun
Gearld A. Minor
Michael Mitchell
Justin F. Moore
Edward M. Nelson
David W. Nurnberger
Daniel P. O'Neil
Stephen J. Palauskas
James T. Patterson
Samuel C. Patterson
Kenneth R. Pearsall
Karl G. Pelzer
Thomas Piazza, Jr.
David A. Pierson
Michael J. Petruzzi
John E. Plungis
Gary A. Rand
John J. Rockwell
Randolph L. Richards
Ricky Russell
Anthony M. Satula
Ward M. Sheehan
James T. Shupenis
Gerald C. Stockwell
Jon F. Stockwell
Albert T. Szubka
Daniel P. Tanuis, Sr.
Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Stephan Trapper
George C. Turner, Jr.
Arthur F. Thorsen
Porter L. Woodcock
Ronald Woodcock

Friday, September 1, 2023

Honor Roll: Part 3, WWII Veterans from Bethlehem, Connecticut

This is Part 3 in my series, photographing and transcribing names of veterans memorialized on plaques gracing the historic town green in Bethlehem, Connecticut. Part 1 explains more about the Honor Roll Project by Heather Wilkinson Rojo. This WWII plaque, unlike any of the previous Bethlehem plaques I transcribed, includes the name of a servicewoman, Ruth H. Goodrich.

Bethlehem WWII veterans plaque

The plaque intro reads:

Erected by the people of the Town of Bethlehem to commemorate the patriotism and loyalty of those who served their country during World War II. Dedicated 1947.

*Peter S. Sproule [star usually indicates war casualty]

Clifford Adams
Leon W. Banks 
Thomas C. Bate, Jr.
Samuel L. Benedict
Elbert V. Box
Ian Braley
John Butkus
John P. Butterly
Cleland E. Dopp
Terrance F. Dowling
Rev. George G. Finlay
Leon J. Grabow
Milton L. Grabow 
Ruth H. Goodrich
Paul L. Johnson
Bryan T. Keilty
John G. Kelly
Mark G. Kitchin
Robert C. Knudsen
Nicholas Krause
Carl A. Lynn
Mahlon A. Lynn
R. Elwood Lynn
Robert W. Lynn
John A. Majauskas
Wesley C. Meskun
Ames T. Minor
Truman S. Minor
George P. Oren
H. Brainard Risley
Allan S. Root
Joseph R. Sabot
Edward J. Skelte
Vincent J. Skelte
Vincent T. Skeltis
William R. Smith Jr.
Joseph A. Stevens
Waldo M. Swinton
Theodore M. Traub
Arnold S. Waldron
Elmer C. Wiltshire
Anthony F. Winslow
Alan J. Woodward
Charles F. Woodward
Earl L. Wooster Jr.
Joseph R. Shupenis

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Honor Roll: Part 2, War of 1812 Veterans from Bethlehem, Connecticut

In this second part of my series of posts for Heather Wilkinson Rojo's Honor Roll Project, I photographed and transcribed this plaque honoring the military veterans of Bethlehem, Connecticut, who served America during the War of 1812. Part 1 shows veterans of Bethlehem who served in WWI and the US Civil War.

Dedicated to the Men of Bethlehem Who by Their Devotion and Loyalty Preserved Our Country in the War of 1812

Allen James
Amos Baldwin
Eli Barnum
Issac Beebe
Lyman Beecher
Oliver Burton
Daniel Coe
Samuel Church
Austin Canfield
David Fairfield
Ezra French
Benjamin Frisbie
Spencer Gibbs
George Hannah
Austin Hine
Elijah Hine
Talman Hubbell
Abijah Hyde
Levi Jackson
Adam C. Kasson
Horace Kimball
Horatio Kimball
Seymour Knapp
Philo Levenworth
Jabez Lewis
Fred Luddington
Austin Lum
Harmon Munger
Sheldon Price
Freeman Seeley
John N. Seymour
James B. Skidmore
John Smith
Joseph Steele
Jeremiah Stevens
Norman Stone
William R. Williams
Linus Wilcox

Erected by the Citizens of the Town of Bethlehem, 1987

Monday, August 28, 2023

Honor Roll: Veterans from Bethlehem, Connecticut


On a beautiful summer's day, Sis and I visited Veteran's Memorial Park in Bethlehem, Connecticut for a quilt show. During that visit, we photographed a number of dignified plaques remembering local veterans who served their country in the American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War. 

Honor Roll Project

My photos and transcriptions are part of Heather Wilkinson Rojo's Honor Roll Project. Although she is not actively promoting this project these days, due to lack of interest during the pandemic years, I'm delighted she will add my Bethlehem links to her project page.

The meaning of this project, in Heather's words: "The transcribed names make the soldiers available for search engines, so that descendants and family members can find them on the internet."

This is the first in a multipart series honoring the military veterans of Bethlehem, CT whose names are inscribed on the town's memorial plaques. Part 2 features veterans from the War of 1812. Part 3 features WWII veterans. Part 4 features Vietnam War veterans. Part 5 features Korean War veterans.

Bethlehem Memorial: Civil War and WWI

This plaque reads:

A tribute to the valor of the men of Bethlehem who fought for freedom and humanity 

Civil War, 1861-1865

Frederick Adkins
Joseph Boyce
Gideon D. Crane
William B. Crane
Francis Dugan
John Ferry
George W. Garthwait
James H. Gilbert
Frederick D. Holmes
Daniel Hunt
Alexander Kasson
Edgar N. Kasson
Albert J. Lounsbury
Charles Lynn
Richard Magee
Olin Nash
Dexter Northrop
Horson Northrop
John K. Northrop
Patrick O'Rourke
James Oswald
Timothy C. Spencer
Abram B. Tolles
Philip L. Waldron
George Williams
George A. Wright

World War, 1917-1919

Harry A. Anderson
Herman A. Anderson
Vincent W. Atwood
Clark G. Bennett
Arthur E. Bloss
Elbert H. Box
Howard M. Box
Harry J. Bristol
Edward P. Crane
Leroy A. Fogg
Walter W. Holmes
Harold H. Hoyt
Raymond H. Hurlburt
Frederick C. Judd
Stanley A. Marchukaitis
Harold G. Peterson
Kenneth W. Raymond
LeRoy E. Sanford
William T. Sanford
Jesse E. Smith
William R. Smith
Joseph R. Stevens
Henry C.H. Stewart
Burras C. Traub

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Honor Roll Project: Veterans' Memorial in Middlebury, CT

For Heather Wilkinson Rojo's wonderful Honor Roll Project, I visited Middlebury, Connecticut, where a lovely plaque embedded on a boulder honors veterans from pre-Revolutionary War days up to World War I. 

The boulder bearing the plaque is located at the right of steps leading to  Middlebury's stately Town Hall. 

With pride, the Middlebury historic marker below notes: "During the Revolutionary War, French General Rochambeau and his troops established a camp in the Breakneck Hill section on their march to the final campaign at Yorktown, Virginia."

I've transcribed the names of the men and women honored on this memorial plaque, one war at a time, as shown on the plaque.

If any descendants of these veterans conduct an online search, I hope they find the names and realize their ancestors' service to country has not been forgotten.

For Veteran's Day 2021, I'm doing my part to keep alive the memory of these brave men and women from Middlebury, Connecticut, who served in the military. 

Middlebury Honors Those Who Have Served in the Wars of Their Country

French - Indian War

Abner Munson

Revolutionary War

David Abbott, Benjamin Bemont, Aaron Benedict, Enos Benham, Samuel Benham, Edward Blackman, Michael Bowers, Asahel Bronson, Elijah Bronson, Isaac Bronson, Andrew Clark, Daniel Clark, Benjamin Fenn, Samuel Fenn, Israel Frisbie, Stephen Hawley, Reuben Hickox, Timothy Higgins, Benjamin Hine, Justus Johnson, Simeon Manvil, Augustus Peck, Gideon Platt, James Porter, Ebenezer Richardson, Jonathan Sanford, Ebenezer Smith, John Thompson, Aaron Tuttle, Ezekiel Tuttle

War of 1812

Lewis Booth, Eldad Bradley, Jonathan Bradley, Noyes Bradley, Elijah Bronson, Isaac Bronson, Daniel Clark, Asa Fenn, Loammi Fenn, Philo Hamblin, Levit Hawley, Benjamin Hine, Isaac Hodge, Mark W. Mazugan, Abner Munson, Miles Newton Jr., Isaac Nichols, Samuel Porter, Ranson Saxton, Harry Smith, William H. Smith, Mark Stone, Eli Thompson, John Thompson, Peter Van Bogert, Peter Vandereagast

Mexican War

Ranson L. Gaylord

Civil War

Robert J. Abbott, George Anderson, George W. Baldwin, Philetus M. Barnum, James W. Benham, Eli B. Blackman, Maro P. Blackman, Henry Blakeslee, Charles Bradley, James M. Bradley, Eli Bronson, George H. Crook, Adrian Dehm, Church R. Fox, Michael Genter, Guernsey Johnson, Thomas Kenney, Charles King, George S. Manville, John Meier, George B. Meramble, Michael G. Miller, Charles Moshier, Jacob Prime, Emery J. Roswell, John Smith, Asa W. Stone, Charles E. Stone, Edward L. Welton

Mexican - Border War

Arthur M. Foote

World War (World War I)

Stanley Andrews, Walter Beebe, Allan J. Benson, Bernhardt Benson, Edwin H. Benson, Henry J. Benson, Lester J. Benson, Burton F. Bird, Vincent Botta, William Budieser, Antonio Calabrese, Raymond Caligan, Mary J. Campbell, Robert M. Campbell, Rodger W. Cooke, Edward Cronley, Francis Cronley, Cyril Davis, John Delaney, Thomas Dowling, Joseph Feist, Arthur M. Foote, Asahel Gibson, Arthur C. Hallgren, Gustave E. Hallgren, Edmund Janes, Wilfred Jordan, Harvey S. Judd, John Kawickas, George Muller, Clarence A. Nichols, Earl H. Nodine, Alfred Perro, Ellis F. Phelan, Fred H. Robertson, Edwin J. Robin, Emanuel J. Robin, Morris L. Robin, Melville Skiff, Horatio N. Smith, Lyman E. Smith, Frederick W. Speaker, Raymond Stauffer, Royal J. Steele, Raymond F. Tyler, Ralph Vincent, Willis T. Vincent, Frank Wassabach, George Webster, Leon Williams

Note: The memorial plaque from Middlebury, CT, is also listed in the Historical Marker Project.


This post is also part of the November, 2021 Genealogy Blog Party.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Honor Roll Project, Part 3: Newtown, CT, Gulf War and Civil War

In Newtown, Connecticut, the stately memorial at the head of Main Street includes plaques with names of men and women who served in our country's military over the years. As part of Heather Rojo's Honor Roll Project, I'm transcribing the names and including photos to pay tribute to these brave people.

This is Part 3 of names from Newtown. Part 1 covers those who served during the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War, and the Mexican Border War. Part 2 covers those who served from 1944-1971.

Here are the names of those from Newtown who served during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 1990-1991:

Check, Emory T. (Army)
Demand, Dana B. (Air Force)
Denslow, Alan L. (Navy)
Evans, William (Navy)
Fischer, Lawrence B. (USMC)
Godfrey, Kenneth C. (Air Force)
Gottmeier, Richard P. (Army)
Hannah, Stephen (Army)
Hayward, Brian P. (Air Force)
Knapp, Letitia Renee (Army)
Knapp, Robert D. (Army)
Kieras, Christopher (USMC)
Killing, Robert E., Jr. (USMC)
Klewicki, John E. (Army)
Leavitt, Brian (Air Force)
Leedy, Roberta C. (Army)
Mead, James g. (Navy)
Schaedler, David A. (Army)
Schmidle, Paul W. (Navy)
Schmidle, Robert E. (USMC)
Swart, John J. (Army)
Sturges, Donald (Navy)
Wade, Brian (Navy)
Waller, Darrick (USMC)
Wrinn, Johnathan (Air Force)

And here are the names of Newtowners who served during the Civil War:

Adams, James
Alldis, Frederick G.
Andress, David
Banks, Allen
Banks, Edward A.
Beers, Hawley
Beers, James M.
Benedict, Edwin
Benedict, Henry W.
Bigelow, Henry B.
Bissell, Henry
Blake, Martin
Blakeslee, George B.
Booth, Charles, Jr. 
Booth, John W.
Booth, Starr L.
Botsford, Gideon B.
Botsford, Israel C.
Bradley, George A.
Bradley, Thomas
Brewster, John H.
Brisco, Ephraim
Briscoe, Charles
Briscoe, George
Briscoe, Gustavus
Brown, George W.
Brown, Jeremiah
Brown, Jerome
Bruno, Gottfried
Bulkley, George
Burritt, Charles H.
Butcher, Charles
Camp, Daniel B.
Camp, George B.
Carley, Edward
Carmody, Michael
Casey, Barney
Cavanaugh, Michael
Chipman, Charles C.
Clark, Allen B.
Clark, Newell
Clark, Robert
Clinton, George
Coger, Henry B.
Coley, George S.
Colgan, Matthew
Conger, Charles T.
Conley, William
Connell, William
Cornell, Hiram
Cunningham, John
Curtis, Charles G.
Curtis, Jasper L.
Curtis, Joseph
Curtis, William
Curtis, William E.
Davis, Daniel
Davis, William
Dayton, Charles W.
Dick, Charles L.
Dimon, Arthur
Downes, Munroe D.
Downs, Oliver
Downs, Smith
Dunn, Hugh
Dunning, Edward A.
Edgett, Seneca
Edwards, Levi H.
Egan, James
Ellwood, Frederick
Ellwood, William
Evans, James
Evarts, George A.
Fairchild, Alpheus B.
Fairchild, Henry W.
Fairchild, Jerome B.
Fairchild, Lewis
Fairchild, Lewis H.
Fairchild, Reuben A.
Fairchild, Robert B.
Fairchild, Theodore B.
Fairman, Arthur
Faulkner, John
Flannery, Patrick
Foote, John G.
French, David R.
Gage, George R.
Gannon, John
Gilbert, Charles E.
Gilbert, Henry A.
Gilbert, Horace 
Gillette, David A.
Glover, Henry J.
Glover, Martin V.B.
Gordon, James
Gordon, William A.
Greene, John W.
Griffin, John
Groever, Paul
Guernsey, Truman
Hall, Henry C.
Hall, James P.
Hawley, Charles E.
Hawley, David B.
Hawley, George
Hawley, James
Hawley, William G.
Hayes, Dennis
Hickey, John
Hubbell, George S.
Hubbell, John P.
Hull, Andrew C.
Jackson, Henry J.
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Thomas
Jones, Charles
Jones, David W.
Jones, John
Kaine, Patrick
Kane, Daniel
Kane, James
Kane, John
Keenan, Michael
Kelly, Bernard
Kelly, James
Knapp, John S.
Lake, George
Lattin, John O.
Lewis, George H.
Lillis, Griffin P.
Lillis, John
Lillis, Martin
Lynch, Patrick
Manley, Henry T.
Matthews, Benjamin W.
May, Charles
McArthur, William L.
McMahon, Michael
McNerney, Thomas 
Merritt, Charles
Meyer, Fritz
Monson, Charles
Nash, Adelbert
Nichols, Beach
Nichols, Elijah B.
Nichols, Harmes L.
Nichols, Henry E.
Nichols, James
Northrop, Alpheus
O’Brien, David
O’Brien, Thomas
O’Halloran, Michael T.
Olmsted, Peter D.
Parker, James
Parsons, Charles M.
Payne, Charles H.
Payne, David S.
Peck, Albert W.
Peck, Austin L.
Peck, Chester D.
Peck, David M. 
Peck, John F.
Peck, Nelson J.
Peet, Benajah H.
Pete, Elijah S.
Peterson, Arlan
Peterson, Carl
Platt, Francis W.
Platt, Orlando M.
Ramsay, George W.
Reed, Hawley
Reicker, Edward
Rigby, Matthew
Riley, James
Roberts, Charles H.
Root, Nathan H.
Ryan, Michael
Sanford, Andrew W. 
Sanford, Julius
Schriver, Andrew
Seeley, Eli B.
Seeley, John D.
Shaughnessy, Lawrence
Shepard, Charles
Shepard, Charles S.
Shepard, Hall
Sheridan, James
Sherman, George H.
Sherman, Ira
Sherwood, Charles R.
Smith, Frederick E.
Smith, John
Smith, Pearl
Smith, William A.
Spencer, George H.
Spitzler, Gottlieb
Spring, Charles
Squire, Cyrenius N.
Squires, George D.
Stuart, Louis L.
Sullivan, James
Tappan, John
Tappan, Robert
Taylor, Ammon
Taylor, Milton C.
Taylor, Roswell
Tongue, Elam M.
Tongue, Hanford
Troy, Edward
Twitchell, Franklin S.
Tyrrell, Stephen
Urmston, Thomas D.
Walsh, John
Weed, Daniel B.
Weed, Joseph B.
Weible, Christian
Wenzel, Frederick
Wheeler, Cyrus W.
White, Joseph
Williams, George W.
Wood, Smith B.
Wooster, Charles 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Have You Heard of the Connecticut Military Census (WWI)?

Did you know that Connecticut conducted a "military census" during WWI? One of the people in my extended family tree filled out such a form. I've never seen it before, although Jim Sanders found two for his family just a few months ago. All men over the age of 16 had to answer this single-page questionnaire. I discovered that this ancestor could handle a team and drive an auto and a motorcycle, but he couldn't swim.

So here's what Connecticut asked: Can you do any of the following...
  • Ride a horse?
  • Handle a team?
  • Drive an automobile?
  • Ride a motorcycle?
  • Understand telegraphy?
  • Operate a wireless?
  • Any experience with a steam engine?
  • Any experience with electrical machinery?
  • Handle a boat, power or sail?
  • Any experience in simple coastwise navigation?
  • Any experience with high speed marine gasoline engines?
  • Are you a good swimmer?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Abigail Allen Foote

Neither my family nor my hubby's family had any connection to CT when we moved here but recently we learned, through his genealogy cousin, that Abigail Allen Foote, a distant cousin, died in 1755 and is buried in Fairfield County, CT supposedly. But where? Records about grave stones, collected during WPA era, don't list her name, nor do local church records. Her son-in-law was from a major local family and I can trace him and that line, but not Abigail. She's listed in the Foote family genealogy but because she married into the Foote family (in fact, Foote was her 2d husband), nothing other than her parents' names and her children's names are mentioned. 2022 update: Still seeking Abigail Allen Foote's final resting place.**

**Now I know thanks to a wonderful reader, that Abigail Allen Shephard Foote is buried in Newtown Village Cemetery in Connecticut. Her FindaGrave memorial has lots of info on it. I'm grateful to my reader for letting me know!