Megan Smolenyak's latest book is both a fascinating genealogical detective story and a master class in how to dig deep into social history and bring meaningful context to ancestral lives.
The real Annie Moore?
The author spent 22 years trying to determine the true story of Irish teenager Annie Moore, the first immigrant processed through Ellis Island on January 1, 1892. She brings us along on every step of her challenging genealogical journey, including constructing a paper trail and enlisting help to examine tantalizing clues on both sides of the pond. If you like learning about genealogical methodology as much as I do, you will be enthralled.
Early in her search, Megan's research leads her to believe that history has been celebrating the "wrong Annie" for too many years. She sets out to uncover the "right Annie" and fill in the details of this Annie's life before and after arriving in New York Harbor at dinnertime on New Year's Eve of 1891. She has a lot of help along the way and sometimes just being in the right place at the right time works to her advantage.
Beyond the paper trail
Megan breathes life into Annie Moore by painting a vivid picture of the time and place of her birth, upbringing, voyage to New York, and situation in America. Want to see how to apply social history to family history? Watch how the author skillfully weaves weather, housing, health, economy, occupation, names and more into the telling of Annie's true story.
In the course of the book, we see photos emerge that put a real face on the true Annie Moore. In fact, the book has many interesting illustrations of genealogical documents, other photos, sketches, and more. I do wish the family tree on p. 135 could be shown a bit larger and in sharper detail, but that's a minor quibble.
My three immigrant grandparents who came from Eastern Europe to America via
Ellis Island might not have understood all the fuss over the first person to be processed through that institution, but I appreciate Megan Smolenyak setting the record straight on the real Annie Moore with this new book.
I can't wait to read this book. Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review. I did not know that Megan had written a book. Sounds like a good one. It's great when social history is involved. :)
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a fascinating book. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting -- thanks for recommending this book.
ReplyDeleteI have the book and it's on my reading list. Thanks for the review.