Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dating Old Photos and More

To learn more about photo dating and identification, I've read some of the books by Maureen Taylor and also seen her talks/webinars. She has lots of great ideas for looking at clothing clues and more.

Also I've seen talks by Sherlock Cohn (aka Ava Cohn), who has an eagle eye for dating photos and helping put them into family, military, and historical context.

Both have given me some hints to follow up as I caption old family photos from the past 100-125 years.

At top, a photo by Gustav Beldegreen, showing some of my FARKAS ancestors serving as officers of the Kossuth Ferencz Literary, Sick & Benevolent Society.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Getting Organized for the New Year

Dear Myrtle has tools and videos to help genealogy enthusiasts get organized. She retires in May of 2022, but her great content will remain.

One of my 2009 resolutions is to record my family tree information in a more timely manner instead of filing things away to record later. By the time I get back to these documents and notes, I can't remember what I've recorded or where. UPDATED in 2022: Now using multiple genealogy websites (WikiTree, MyHeritage, Ancestry, FamSearch) for my public family trees.

With any luck, some of my distant cousins will find me in 2009 because of the forums, family sites, and blogs where I've mentioned the surnames and places I'm researching. Happy new year and looking forward to hearing from cousins and members of the FAN club (friends, associates, neighbors).